Child Safety Week 2024 is almost over, but safety around your baby and toddler should be practiced 24/7/365. That’s why we’ve put together a series of blogs to help you identify the dangers in everyday, seemingly normal situations, and what you can do to ensure your family are safe around them.

In today’s blog, we're highlighting the importance of safety while travelling with a baby or toddler using a buggy, twin, pram, or travel system. Whether you're running errands or going on a family adventure, it's crucial to prioritise safety to protect your little one on the go.  


The Importance of Buggy and Stroller Safety

While strollers, tandems, pushchairs, and travel systems offer a convenient way to transport your baby or toddler while out and about, if they’re not properly equipped, misused, or set up properly, then there’s potential for a nasty accident. You also have to factor in the weather when taking your little one out for a stroll, and things like parasols, rain covers, and UV sun canopies are indispensable pieces of equipment to keep them safe from harm.  


Tips for Pram and Stroller Safety

Let's explore some key tips for safe travels with your baby or toddler.


1. Choose a Safe and Reliable Product

  • All prams and pushchairs must comply with British Standard 7409:1996 or BS EN 1888:2003. They relate to the brakes, locking devices, safety harnesses, stability, weight limit, the backrest, footrest, and labelling.
  • Select a pushchair, stroller, twin, or travel system that meets tough safety standards and has undergone rigorous testing.
  • Products like the Puggle Monaco XT 2in1 Pram Pushchair Travel System feature innovative safety features such as a 5-point harness with luxury padding and a sturdy frame for added stability and protection.
  • Something you might not automatically consider is the width of a standard door. Surprisingly, there’s no universal standard for a door width (in England, interior doors can be as small as 24 inches or as wide as 33 inches, whereas a standard door in Scotland is 28.5 inches), so pay special attention to the width of the pushchair you’re considering purchasing, especially if you’re getting a twin or tandem.  


2. Ensure Proper Assembly and Use

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when assembling and using your buggy or stroller. If you’re unsure about anything, contact the manufacturer for advice before ‘road testing’ your buggy, pushchair, tandem, or travel system.  
  • Check that all parts are securely attached and functioning correctly before placing your baby or toddler in the stroller.
  • Never try to use incompatible equipment together.


3. Use Safety Straps and Harnesses

  • Always use the safety straps and harnesses provided with your buggy or stroller to secure your child in place.
  • Ensure the straps are adjusted snugly around your child's waist and shoulders to prevent them from slipping or standing up in the stroller.


4. Avoid Overloading the Stroller

  • Be mindful of your buggy or stroller's weight limit and storage capacity. Consult the instruction manual if you’re in any doubt.
  • Avoid overloading the stroller with heavy bags or accessories, as this can affect stability and increase the risk of tipping over.


5. Stay Alert and Vigilant

  • Keep a close eye on your baby or toddler while travelling in a buggy or stroller.
  • Stay vigilant for potential hazards such as uneven terrain, busy streets, or crowded areas, and take appropriate precautions to keep your child safe.


6. Parasols, Rain Covers, and UV Sun Canopies  

  • A baby's skin is much thinner and more sensitive than adult skin, and repeated exposure to sunlight at an early age can cause damage that may lead to skin cancer later in life.Children under 6 months should be kept out of direct, strong sunlight.
  • Parasols and canopies shield delicate skin from the sun's harmful UV rays, providing a comfortable, shaded space for little ones to enjoy outdoor activities without risking sunburn.  
  • Meanwhile, rain covers offer protection from inclement weather, ensuring that sudden showers won't dampen the fun of outdoor adventures.  


Tips for Travelling with Your Baby or Toddler

Ensuring safety while travelling with a baby or toddler is essential for their well-being and protection, and you can enjoy worry-free travels with your little one.

Investing in high-quality, safety-tested products and using them correctly makes you feel confident in your child's safety while travelling, and additional products such as parasols, rain covers, and UV sun canopies are indispensable for safeguarding babies and toddlers during outdoor excursions.  

We’re always happy to answer questions about the products we stock; your family’s safety is our priority, so get in touch if ever you need help.  

The final entry in our series of safety blogs concerns sun protection, so click here to learn more.